Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Sacred Calling of Motherhood

From the beginning of time, mothers have been a major part of families. While Elder Bruce C. Hafen was a member of the seventy, he said "For most of our history, the word motherhood meant honor, endearment, and sacrifice.... Yet this spirit of self-sacrifice has become a contentious issue in recent years, making contentious the very idea of motherhood." How true it is that motherhood has become a contentious issue. So many of my friends have had babies recently, and out of them, I would say a little over one third of them don't actually want to be a mother. How sad it is that they would give up their sweet babies to be able to keep going to parties, to keep drinking and doing drugs, or to get ahead in a career.
In 1942, the first presidency declared "Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels." Mothers are people who are so special. I have had several mothers, including my own mother who have made an amazing impact on my life. They have given me the help that I need, they have helped to shape who I am, and they have taught me the ways of the Lord.
A few of the mothers who have impacted me the most would be my mom, my sister, my grandmother, my great grandmothers, and several friends.
My mom has helped me through everything and despite me having crazy ideas, she has supported me through my every endeavor. She has been such an influence of who I have become and what I want to achieve in my life. Sometimes, when life gets really hard and I just feel really down, she is the one who is there to pick me up and help me feel better.
My mom, my Sister, and Myself
My sister is somebody who I wish I could be more like. She is super loving, she loves to help me out with all of my problems, she tries so hard and keeps going even when she wants to quit, and she is somebody who a lot of people have looked up to. She is the mother of two small children and has one more on the way. She has a strong foundation and knows that without a doubt, being a mother is what she is supposed to be doing. She knows that it is what the Lord wants.
My grandma, mom, and I
My grandma has been the rock to our family for a long time. She is the one who joined the church and has kept us going in the gospel, despite when we might be falling away or even just "taking a break". She is one major blessing to our family. She has taught me so much about becoming a mother, becoming a wife, and about being a friend to those around us. She is an amazing woman who has so much to offer us.
A friend from church, Sister Bateman, is another amazing example of being an amazing mother. She is the wife of our former stake president and she is one of the most amazing, most selfless people that I know. She welcomed everyone to her home and she loved to have my siblings and I over ever Saturday morning for breakfast with the missionaries. She is somebody that I would love to be more like. She was a very gentle woman and she always loved to talk and to teach and most of all, she loved to love.

There is a primary song about mothers. I Often Go Walking

I often go walking in meadow of clover, And I gather armfuls of blossoms of blue. I gather the blossoms the whole meadow over; Dear mother, all flowers remind me of you.
O mother, I give you my love with each flower To give forth sweet fragrance a whole lifetime through; For if I love blossoms and meadows and walking, I learn how to love them, dear mother, from you.

To all of the amazing and sweet mother out in the world, any where in the world, just know that you are loved by so many people.

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