Think about what you are saying to other people. |
Abuse can happen in any family. Abuse happens more often than people think it does. Abuse is defined as any form of mistreatment by one individual that causes harm to another person. Abuse may happen in any of the following form: physical, emotional, neglect, isolation, financial or material exploitation, abandonment, sexual, and self-neglect. The most common forms of abuse are physical, emotional, and sexual, but the other forms may show up from time to time.
These thing and many more things are considered as abuse. |
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has said, "Abuse is the physical, emotional, sexual, or spiritual mistreatment of others. It may not only harm the body, but it can deeply affect the mind and spirit, destroying faith and causing confusion, doubt, mistrust, guilt, and fear." In the
Successful Marriages and Families book, we learn "Frequently, abusers have themselves been victims. One study found that about half of sex offenders had themselves been abused, and in general, those who have witnessed or experienced physical abuse as children are more likely to have violence in their relationships as adults." When a child is a victim, and they grow up watching and experiencing these things, they do tend to become adults who are abusive.
Always look at how people are reacting to your questions and your touches when looking for signs of abuse. |
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a public health problem, human rights issue, and clinical challenge. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence have given the following estimates of IPV in the United States. A) Approximately one in every four women will experience physical violence by an intimate partner at least once in her life; B) Almost 1/3 of female homicide vitims reported in police records are killed by an intimate partner; C) About 1.3 million women are raped or physically assaulted or both by their intimate partners every year; D) Intimate partner violence results in more 18.5 million mental health care visits each year. These numbers are crazy. Many people wonder why people stay with an abusive partner. The abusive partner makes these people feel like they can't live without them. They threaten them and they manipulate them to get what they want.
Many abusers use multiple techniques to get every little thing that they want.
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